Friday, 30 November 2012

Rotary Club of Langport and Somerton

We met on a cold winters night and we were greeted by a warm friendly Rotary club with President Rupert Cox leading proceedings. We enjoyed discussing the trip with the rotarians and it was particularly good to see Stan Jones who was very influential in our GSE trip in the beginning stages and he was very helpful with advice on presentations. We were privileged to watch the induction of a new member to the club, both interesting and entertaining!
We enjoyed a lovely dinner at The Olde Forge Inn, Curry Rivel and we even got to pull crackers and wear Christmas hats and tell some awful jokes!
Captain Bob, Kate and Seb provided the presentation using a last minute high quality white cloth as the screen and unperturbed we enjoyed and presented to the eager crowd!

Thank you to President Rupert Cox and the Rotarians of Langport & Somerton for hosting us.

Pictured: Stan Jones, Seb Cope, President Rupert Cox, Kate Turner and Captain Bob Nation

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Visit to Minehead Rotary Club

On Monday evening, 12th November the GSE team meandered their way along the A39 to Minehead Rotary club. Alice, Kate and Seb enjoyed a warm welcome with lots of good natured banter (mainly directed at team leader Bob by PDG David Yates).

Once again, we were treated to an excellent meal and excellent company. The presentation that followed seemed to catch the interest of our audience who asked us some very searching and interesting questions.  We were asked about everything from what the food was like and visiting church, to the differences between the clubs and rotarians in the host countries. This is a great experience for the team and its useful to consider our trip from new perspectives, learning what captures our audience's imaginations!

We always learn something ourselves from giving these presentations as each one contributes something of interest that we can include on the next, adding impact to the story.
Many thanks to President Barrie and all members and partners. Now we look forward to our last presentation of this calendar year at Langport & Somerton Rotary club on Thursday 29th November.

Thanks again

Bob Nation

GSE Team Leader

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Dorchester Casterbridge Presentation

Last night, three members of the GSE team were greeted by members of the Dorchester Casterbridge Rotary club and enjoyed a fantastic evening. Captain Bob and Kate travelled down from Chippenham and Seb from Crewkerne to meet at the Kings Arms Hotel on the high street in Dorchester. We were welcomed by President Lorraine Wong, had a lovely meal and then the presentation began.
The presentation went well and we had some challenging questions at the end, most of which we were able to answer!

Thank you to the Rotary Club of Dorchester Casterbridge for hosting us

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Crewkerne club visit

Last Wednesday eve, the team all ventured down to the Henhayes Community Centre in Crewkerne to meet and present to the Crewkerne club. It was a horrid rainy night, however we were met with a friendly welcome from the club and club President Derek Phoenix. We had a very tasty meal and then listened to a presentation about Mercy Ships and also a presentation from two local girls about their trip to South Africa, which the club had part sponsored them to do. Last but by no means least it was our presentation.. I think we did very well considering we were last that evening and hopefully it would have gained some interest from members to support us in our forthcoming projects with D9210. There were about 50 people present, mostly club members, visiting members and a few guests (including us). Thanks to Brit Valley members who came along, great to have your support. Our next presentation is next Tuesday, to the Dorchester club. Unfortunately I will not be able to make it, however I am sure the others will do a grand job, good luck! Adele, I hope all is going well with you and the project in America :).