Monday 11 June 2012

Captains Blog – Saturday 9th June 2012

Now halfway through the trip on our 3rd day in Malawi, gave presentation to Lilongwe and Bwaila clubs at the golf club to about 40 people. Well received and some humorous moments. I got fined again (K2000- about £5!) Got some business cards printed, some photocopying and unlocked our Zambian mobiles. It was quite an experience dealing with local small business and their concept our time management, but the results justified the delay and you learn to be patient. Off to lake Malawi where we will be sleeping on the beach for an overnight stay. On route we are visiting a solar power water pump chlorination system for a community for approximately 2000 people and a game drive. 
Signing out 
Captain Bob

1 comment:

  1. Hi Captain Bob & team - still boldly going ..... the bus journey sounded interesting. Good to hear the news. Amazing what you can fit into 2 weeks!! PDG David
